Is there any hope that I can give my children quality education and still live a normal life?
Quality education as we know it in Nigeria, is what everyone clamors for. Right from the history of our Nation, Nigerian parents would never holdback in giving their children the best education that they can afford but this has always come with a price.
I have seen many families that go to bed hungry and deny themselves of many things that would make life happier to live because they have children that are in school. It is no longer news that more than 60% of loans that parents are taking today, go into paying of children’s school fees.
Before the resumption of schools in each session and in each term, parents are always anxious and worried about how and where to borrow money and send their children to school. These are some of the ordeals of Nigerian parents and guardians.
Many parents of today had wonderful plans of what they wanted to achieve when they were still single. They had plans of how they would have lived their dreams and be able to afford their own house before certain age. They had the picture of beautiful places they wished to visit, and so many other good things they hoped to enjoy while still taking care of their children’s educational need. But today, what happened to those dreams? Less than 2% were able to make it. What happened to the rest?
taking a closer look into the current reality, the worst of it all for me is not that parents are not able to meet their target of whatever dream they had but that most families are going to bed hungry because they are struggling to send their children to school. Some parents and guardians don’t even know the last time they bought new dress for themselves because of their situation and their task of having to send their children to school.
Many young parents and parents-to-be are equally worried because they too, are trying to figure out what the situation would be like in giving their children quality education with the kind of resources they have. Should I even talk of the singles who are afraid of going into any serious relationship that will lead to marriage because of the responsibilities attached; especially that of providing quality education to their future children. Believe you me, the problems are numerous that we may not be able to articulate them properly here.
someone may not be wrong by asking why I am writing this. well, this is just to highlight the challenges and struggles going on in many homes in the quest of giving good education to their children and at the same time proffering solutions as much as i can.
The truth of the matter is, you were born to thrive. You were created to make a difference in this world. You were not born to be in pains of paying bills and having emotional stress and overthinking yourself of how to keep your children in school. You were not born to die as a nobody. No no no no. alright?
The deal is this, that, this is a practical world not a world of wishes and fantasies . I know it’s difficult living life especially when you are not meeting up with the basic needs. But is there anything that the writer can do to salvage some of these problems? Definitely. Because it will be a waste of time that I have only succeeded in highlighting a problem without raising a finger to help out. That, for me, is unacceptable.
Right here where you are reading this, is an educational platform that will reduce the burden. Does that sound incredible?
All you need to do is to scroll to the bottom page and see for yourself. you can as well look up at the dropdown menu or the menu bar depending on the type of device you are using and click on courses which will lead you to see a world-class courses and contents that were specially made to meet the need of giving your children and even yourself quality education without giving you any emotional stress of worrying about how to afford it. Before checking out the courses we have, do well to read to the end.
Quality education is costly that is why everyone cannot afford it but it is a necessity. We owe our children a wholesome education that will make them to truly understand not just to score high marks.
When I say that quality education is costly, I mean every bit of it. I know that in some of our Basic (primary) schools and Secondary schools, some parents pay millions of naira in every term or every session to be able to afford quality education for their children. May be you have not paid such amount before but the truth is that, it’s real.
In this platforms, I with my team have sacrificed many things to make difficult look easy by giving you the basic educational contents that will make your children stand out. Yes. We have even included FREE COURSES that you are supposed to pay huge sums and even millions to get but because we believe that persons were not just born to suffer all through their life to afford quality education for their children and their loved ones, we have decided to give them for FREE and we are in the mission of increasing the number of our free contents even.
Let me remind you again, you were born to manifest your greatness and to make the world a better place. We believe that if we can reduce the problems and stress that most parents pass through just to afford good education for their wards, they will live a happier life and contribute meaningfully to the advancement of good life for all.
More so, to make things even easier still, we have developed android mobile App which you can get it here for FREE in order to get the best of what we have in stock for you.
The big question now is, WHY DO YOU NEED TO USE GREENERBRAINS APP and our web platform to learn since there are thousands of platforms where you can get similar things?
You need Greenerbrains platforms to help your children understand what they are learning from scratch. It is very easy for anyone to tell you, ‘read hard so that you can remember what you have read’. more so, I know that there are many techniques of forcing children to read for long like asking them to put their legs in cold water so they don’t sleep. Asking them to take some caffeine drinks to help them stay awake and read etc.
Well, Greenerbrains teaches how to read in order to retrain and recall with’s in every lesson of how your brain can work better at each lesson. We work on the psychology of students and motivate them to love reading. Our learning platforms make learning addictive because right here we provide solution to those common problems that students of nowadays face which is loving to read just to mention but this. We don’t teach our students to take caffeine filled drinks or to put their legs in cold water to avoid sleeping, rather we engage them with how their brain works each time to solve a particular problem successfully.
I have taught in schools using Greenerbrains formula. I have discovered that one of the greatest challenges that students have in this age of internet comedy and other things that distract children from enjoying reading is how to get motivated to read. How to have the zeal to read. So, Greenerbrains has a unique way of solving and resolving challenges which will make students to truly learn and recall in an entertaining way when action calls for it with guarantee. (checking out one of our free courses will be a perfect example.)
Get our Mobile App and start enjoying unprecedented contents on the go (here
An email and password to personalize your own app are all you need to get started now.
Welcome to a new world of quality education abundance.
SAHRE with others and get in touch with us.
Not all the contents and courses in our platforms are for FREE. But we have made them such that you need not take any loan to access quality education.
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